Urban Dictionary: Word of the Day

Snapvine: My Voice Blog

So Sick

March 28, 2008
05.32 PM (+08.00 GMT)

Well my body temperature's been going up and down like crazy, one minute I'm chillin my ass off, the next one I'm having cold sweats. I understand why I'm sweating because it's freaking hot here in the Philippines, but I'm getting chills as in chills the type you want to bundle up to keep yourself warm, take note the current temperature here in the Philippines ranges from 90-100 degrees and I'm getting chills and cold sweats. Anyway, I've got a lot of news and ideas I wanted to share with all of you. By the way, don't forget tomorrow is Earth Hour... Turn off all your electrical gadgets from 8.00 to 9.00 pm local time.


MySpace/Friendster/Facebook Status
Status: iGgY is your "Internet Lover".
Mood: Sick
Currently Listening To: "True to Me" by Metro Station

Voice Blog #1: Hello World

March 25, 2008
05.32 PM (+08.00 GMT)

Just posted my first ever voice blog. It was very obvious that I was nervous. So anyway, the blog was just about nothing, my now shorter hair and my curly bangs. Also told my future plans for my blog and who I'm gonna miss the most. Got no idea what I'm talking about?!? Just listen to it if you want to find out. I'll be posting more voice blog often. And probably when I get the freaking camera working, I would be posting some outrageous video blog together with my crew.

By the way, every time I'll post a voice blog I would be writing what's it about on my regular blog.

To listen to my voice blog just click the play icon on my Snapvine: My Voice Blog section of my blog.


MySpace/Friendster/Facebook Status
Status: iGgY is your "Internet Lover".
Mood: Ecstatic
Currently Listening To: "True to Me" by Metro Station

Now Playing: Project Playlist